Welcome to the
5-Day Allowance Kickoff
If you've been procrastinating allowance,
this is for you!
Your challenge starts on:
What is the Kickoff?
How does it work?
Who is it for?
When does it start and end?
Why Give Allowance?
Around half of states require high school students to take at least one economics course, and even fewer require at least one personal finance course. However, schools are in an impossible position to succeed in raising financially literate children.
In order for our children to become truly financially literate and money savvy, they must practice good financial hygiene on a regular basis. And only a parent or caregiver can help with that. It would be like expecting a child to learn English in school, and become fluent without speaking or listening to anyone once they leave the classroom. It's not possible!
So when we combine our school's lack of effectiveness with parents who are uncomfortable with finance as a topic, we have a serious problem.
That's where allowance comes in. When given strategically and consistently, allowance is a powerful way to teach the value of money and promote a sense of responsibility.
We want our children to make mistakes. After all, that's how they learn. What is better ... A $5 mistake today, or a $5,000 mistake as an adult? Allowance isn't just about giving money, it's the foundation on which a lifetime of financial education can be built. Children need practice. With everything ... including money!
As parents, we're busy. There is a lot to teach ... not just with regards to money. If you're considering allowance, don't wait.
Get over the hump. Let us help you start an allowance routine with your child today!
Think you know how your kid will react to allowance?
Meet William. Think his parents were surprised how he reacted to allowance? You may be too. It doesn't matter the age ... we see it all the time.
From decreases in arguments, to increased independence, parents with kids of all ages report pleasant surprises on a regular basis.
Join the Kickoff!
Sign Me Up!
Enroll for $5Who It's For:
Parents of kids from K-12.
What to Expect:
Each day for five days, you'll be emailed a video link for your daily task.
Complete each task, and your challenge will culminate in a brand new allowance routine, starting on the first Sunday of this coming month.
What's Included:
- Lifetime access to proven how-to instructional streaming videos
- In-challenge support via email and message boards.
Should Parents
Give Allowance?
Watch our Chief Allowance Officer, Alec Lindenauer, tell you why in less than a minute.
Join the Kickoff!Allowance Stats
2021 T. Rowe Price 13th Annual Parents, Kids & Money Survey
- 45% of kids said they talk more about money in the home as a direct result of the pandemic
- 86% of parents said it's important to discuss saving money and spending wisely with their kids, yet:
- 31% said they talk to their kids less than once a month about finances
- 41% said they don't like to talk about finances with their kids
- 36% said they are either very or extremely reluctant to discuss financial matters with their kids
- 68% of parents said their kids understood the value of a dollar
- 59% of parents said they provide an allowance, but kids have to earn it.
- 16% of parents said they provide an allowance with no strings attached