How To Teach Your Kid About Money Course Series
Course 1:
Elementary Starter
Starting Your Elementary-Aged Child on the Money Savvy Path is a self-paced course made of 26 bite-sized videos broken down in to two modules, Allowance & The Piggy Bank Experience, followed by Spending, Income & Credit. Both are are designed so busy parents can put what learned lessons into practice effectively and immediately.
Module 1 focuses on the allowance ritual and piggy banks. Rather than utilize a basic one-slotted piggy bank, Alec gives you the tools and know-how you'll need to transform a traditional limited allowance experience into a full ritual, one that includes a four-slotted piggy bank. Replacing that old allowance day will be your new COR Day experience, one that will be the foundation of your Cents of Responsibility by focusing on those four slots: Spend, Save, Donate & Invest. Other resources may focus on what to do with these slots, but module 1 gives you the magic ingredient ... exactly HOW to use these slots.
Module 2 builds on the COR Day experience by providing the exact how-to instructions for carrying the four slots into every day experiences to teach your child about spending, income and credit. Whether you're in a store, buying something online, or strolling with your child through a mall, opportunities to engage and teach your child about money are all around you. Alec will help you recognize those moments, and give you specific strategies to harness them effectively.
The Audience:
Parents of elementary-aged children who want to follow step-by-step instructions to start an effective allowance routine and use it to teach their children about money.
The Promise:
After just one new allowance day, you'll notice a dramatic shift in your child's relationship with money. And after three, you'll be comfortable with an entirely new life-changing routine.
What's Included:
- Lifetime access to all 26 proven how-to instructional streaming videos (each are between 2-7 minutes long)
- Module 1: Allowance & the Piggy Bank Experience
- Module 2: Spending, Income & Credit
- The tools you'll need for your journey, including printable PDFs and a starter kit to be delivered by mail
- Unlimited access to the Cents of Responsibility community for 90 days
Course 2:
Elementary Investing Starter
Continuing Your Elementary-Aged Child's Journey Towards Financial Literacy is a self-paced course of bite-sized videos broken down in to two modules, The Lemonade Stand and Other Mini-Businesses and Investment Basics. Both modules are are designed for immediate and effective implementation, and much like the course before it, the first module lays the foundation for the second.
Module 1, The Lemonade Stand and other Mini-Businesses, provides the specific step-by-step instruction you need in order to not only do a lemonade stand with your child, but extract every teaching moment from the experience along the way. A proper lemonade stand experience is the key foundational element in teaching your child the basics of investing. Because much like using the four slotted piggy bank as an ongoing tool to teach about spending, income and credit, your child's mini-business experience is what you'll be using to teach about the adult business world and investing. The treasure trove of learning opportunities buried in your child's lemonade stand experience are what will provide the foundation for your ability to explain investments to your child. And if lemonade stands aren't your thing, not to worry ... the lessons learned here apply to all sorts of mini-businesses that might interest your child.
Module 2, Investment Basics, is likely the topic parents find most intimidating when left on their own. Considering so many parents lack confidence in their own investment knowledge, this isn't surprising. But because the investment universe is based on commerce, you'll already be on the right path after absorbing all that a lemonade stand, or other mini-business has to offer. This module will bridge that gap for you, easily explaining how to draw upon that experience.
The Audience:
Parents of elementary-aged children who have completed course one, Starting Your Elementary-Aged Child on the Money Savvy Path, have performed at least three COR Days, and are looking to take their Cents of Responsibility journey to the next level.
The Promise:
Once completing a one-time mini-business, lemonade-style experience with your child, and the Investment Basics module, you'll be armed with the knowledge necessary to purchase and discuss investments with your child on a regular basis.
What's Included:
- Lifetime access to proven how-to instructional streaming videos
- Module 1: The Lemonade Stand and Other Mini-Businesses
- Module 2: Investment Basics
- The tools you'll need for your journey, including printable PDFs
- Unlimited access to the Cents of Responsibility community for 90 days
Course 3:
Middle School Continuation
Continuing Your Cents of Responsibility Journey Into Middle School is set to launch in 2023. As you've already come to learn, Alec doesn't teach material that's theoretical. If he hasn't tried and tested it, or witnessed it working firsthand, he won't be teaching it. And now that his two daughters are middle school veterans, he's in the midst of putting the finishing touches on translating all that's transpired in his home into new videos and lessons for you. Stay tuned for an exact launch date as the year comes to an end!
The Audience:
Parents of middle school-aged children who have completed courses one and two: Starting Your Elementary-Aged Child on the Money Savvy Path and Continuing Your Elementary-Aged Child's Journey Towards Financial Literacy.
What's Included:
- Lifetime access to proven how-to instructional streaming videos
- The tools you'll need for your journey, including printable PDFs
Middle School Starter
COMING IN 2023Course 4:
Middle School Starter
Starting Your Middle School-Aged Child on the Money Savvy Path is set to launch in 2023.
One of the key tenets of the Cents of Responsibility philosophy is to start your child's money education as early as possible. If you didn't start them off in elementary school, there is still plenty of time! But, time is of the essence. You want your children not just to learn early, but to start developing good habits early too. This course will start them on that right path.
The Audience:
Parents of middle school-aged children who looking to begin their Cents of Responsibility journey with their middle school-aged children.
What's Included:
- Lifetime access to proven how-to instructional streaming videos
- The tools you'll need for your journey, including printable PDFs